Accessorize was first born in 1984 with the opening of their first store in the Piazza, Covent Garden, London. Their founder Peter Simon was inspired from a trip to Paris, where he discovered a small selection of stores selling fashion jewellery that customers could pick up, touch and try on while browsing. It was a new concept to London in the early eighties, and Accessorize soon changed the way we shopped for accessories.
Accessorize has since made its mark as a one-stop shop for vibrant and fashion-forward bags, jewellery, beachwear and more, with stores in over 50 markets across the world.
At the heart of its ethos is a desire to create sustainable fashion. So, if you’re looking for unusual accessories to accentuate an outfit or seeking a memorable gift then head to the Exeter store.
For a full list of all the fashion retailers at Princesshay click here.

Shopping Hours
9am - 5:30pm
9am - 5:30pm
9am - 5:30pm
9am - 5:30pm
9am - 5:30pm
9am - 6:00pm
10:30am - 4:30pm