Visiting Princesshay

Considering a trip to Princesshay? Let us help answer your queries and make planning your visit as easy as possible.

Princesshay is perfectly positioned within Exeter City Centre, ideal to travel to by public transport. Alternatively opt to drive in and park within our Princesshay 1 or Summerland Gate Car parks. Parking charges, opening times and further details can be found here.

Travelling with the family? General facilities, Baby Change or Pushchair hire may be of interest.

Whilst we strive to make Princesshay a safe and welcoming place for all. Going shopping is something many take for granted, it might be something you look forward to, or it can often be something you have to do. Find out more about accessibility here.

Should one of your party require the use of our Changing Places Facility designed to provide accessible facilities for people with severe disabilities it can be located on the ground floor of St Stephen’s House at the back of Nationwide in Catherine Square, adjacent to Lloyd’s Lounge.

Exe Access Hire situated within Princesshay and nearby to the Princesshay 1 Car Park, provides manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to help anyone who has difficulty getting around the shops, attractions and businesses in the City Centre.

Centre Opening hours and upcoming changes to these due to Bank holidays can be found here.

All our facilities can be clearly viewed on the Princesshay Centre map

Should you have any further questions prior to your visit, get in touch via our Contact us page.