Lucy Loves….working from home (kind of)
Work from home – if someone said this to you a few months back you’d probably of thought, Jackpot. Get up later, no commute, no uniform, bottomless snacks, living the dream.
With everything that’s happening in the world right now we’ve all had to make serious changes to our everyday life, which means breaking your weekday routine. I love a routine, I need a routine, so this took some getting used to. If you’re still getting your head around this unfamiliar set up, you’re not alone. Here are a few things I’ve taken from working at home…
Take your regular breaks… to do what? When I’m in the office, I will spend my break out and about (shopping and eating). I can’t be the only one who’s told themselves it’s break time, walked to the kitchen, walked back again, and then what? This is closely followed by “work time guilt” – the anxiety that lands on you whilst putting a load of washing on when you “should be working”.
Snaccidents happening all the time. Went to get a glass of water, came back with 3 snacks. Had breakfast at 8:00, is 10:30 too early for lunch? You know what I mean.
My bank balance barely changes right now – did I really used to shop THAT much? I swear I still have nothing to wear.
When working from home became essential, the one thing I was worried about was staying motivated. I love being in an office surrounded by my colleagues and this changed very quickly. The biggest change I made to my routine was to help me feel energised and motivated. It’s a scary word, still not sure how I feel about it. Exercise. I’ve always walked a lot, but that’s as far as my cardio goes. However, I’ve stepped it up every few days and so far, so good (it’s still early days).
Alongside exercise, to keep motivation and concentration levels up, I must plan. Weekly plan, daily plan, I love a good to-do list. It’s rewarding to see what you’ve achieved at the end of each day.
Who knows how long this way of life will last, but we are all doing a great job. I’m sure it’ll make us grateful for the things we once took for granted every day. For now, I’m just embracing not having to sit on a bus for an hour each day and wondering if ZARA will remember me when I return.